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Attention: Our local history files are temporarily unavailable, we are working on fixing this issue as soon as possible. We are sorry for any inconvenience! 

Historic Photographs of the Local Area

William Cummings has compiled and captioned historic photographs of the local area. The photos in the files below have been organized geographically. These files continue to be a work-in-progress. A complete link with links to each PDF file can be found below. Enjoy!

** The links on this page are temporarily unavailable

The goals of this web page are to make photographs of the Menominee Iron Range with accurate captions available to the public and to provide a growing record of our area’s history and heritage for current and future generations. Individuals with additional information regarding any of these photographs are encouraged to contact William Cummings so that pertinent information can be added to the captions. Historically significant photographs from Dickinson County, MI, Iron County, MI, Florence County, WI, and northern Marinette County, WI are also welcome additions to the photographs provided here. Photographs would be copied and the originals would be returned to the owner. Please send information to wjcummings_47@yahoo.com or bring the information to the desk at the Dickinson County Library.